
“The answers to your personal life’s journey are in Him and in His Word. While writing this I can hear many say, but you don’t know what I am going through. God does. Years ago, I was a single parent on welfare with two kids living in my mother’s basement. I sat on my bed and thought what am I going to do? How did I get here? We were not raised in church but at that moment, a thought popped in my mind to go open the bible that my mother had sitting on the kitchen table. I ran upstairs and opened the bible. To make a long story short, the course of my life changed that very day. Looking back it’s scary to think, what if I had not made that right turn off of the road leading to my destruction. The bible has been my lifeline. We don’t live according to the standards of this world but by the Word of God.”

— Trina B

Get unplugged from the cares of this world (Mark 4:19)

Get plugged into the Word of God. (John1:1).

“It is a blessing to be alive. It’s even more of a blessing to have children! Although times may get hard we are never alone! God is always there protecting and providing!!!”

— ❤Vicki C

“Having a child is one of the most gratifying, challenging, and unpredictable experiences of our lives.  We dream of the day when we will celebrate pink and blue baby showers; first steps; first words; and other developmental milestones.  We soon learn, although this beautiful baby of ours is a precious gift, it is also a lot of hard work. Ok so no problem . . . we can hand them off to our significant other when we need a breather, a break, a nap, or a much needed shower.  The problem is our significant other has decided this precious bundle of joy is no longer their main priority.  You have no one to share the monumental responsibilities of caring for your child.  You feel deserted, alone, depressed, isolated and overwhelmed.  After many days of tears and fears, you pull yourself together and go to a place mentally you never knew existed called “survivor mode.”  In survivor mode you discover you are stronger than you ever thought you could be; you discover that life ain’t fair; you discover that you must endure through this hard time for you and your baby; you discover that you must ask for help when needed because it takes a village to raise a child; you discover the end result will far outweigh the trials and tribulations you endure; you discover that you will leave an indelible imprint on this child which they will carry forward; and most of all you discover you are simply awesome! We salute single parents (men & women) of the world because although this might not have been the original plan, you adjusted and realigned accordingly to life’s unpredictable circumstances.”

— Aloma S

“You matter

You are enough

You are loved

You are appreciated

You are amazing!!

Your self worth does not depend on how well you succeed, how much you accomplish or what others think of you.  You self worth is what you think of yourself.”

—Tara F

“No matter how rough things get, encourage yourself that you are doing the best you can and always, always tell your children that you love them, appreciate them and believe in them.”

—Patricia A.

“When you can’t control what is happening around you, challenge yourself to control how you respond - That is where your POWER is! You only have so much emotional energy each day. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter! Celebrate your strength and your progress! Stand in Faith, even when you are having the hardest time of your life! Give to YOURSELF what everybody else is requiring; your time, your heart and your love! Be smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it!”

—Terry H

“Everyday upon awaking, embrace life with gratitude and love like never before.  As time progresses, you’ll realize, you’re one of life’s most precious gifts to this world of parenting.”

—Jan K

Being a single-parent is not for the weak which is good because you are by no means weak; you’re doing the job that was meant for two which is good because YOU ARE NOT ALONE; you cannot be both mother and father which is good because you weren’t meant to be.  You won’t be the perfect parent but then, you weren’t meant to be.  Here’s what you are:  an example, a shoulder, a smile through the rough and tough times, a counselor, a physician, refuge and a strong tower when they try to seek refuge in friends who fail them; you’re a rock and you are light for them in dark places.  How, you say, can I be or do all these things?  Through Christ who is the sum total of all those things and everything in between; He is the One who can and will strengthen YOU in your attempt to do what he has called you to - parenting!   He has placed a wealth and army of believers around you that you cannot see, but will be there as you lean and summon Him to do what you don’t know you’re able to do.  Seek Him and give him Glory and He WILL direct your path/steps.  It’s not for the weak or faint of heart, but then YOU, are not either of those.  You’re a child of the Most High God...the KING of Kings....now straighten your crown... and let’s go!

I struggled with this question for a long time until I realized that my kids were spiritually malnourished. While I cannot be both mother and father, I can teach my teen daughters about Jesus and be an example of a godly woman. I’ll never be the perfect parent, but I can lead our family in becoming more Christ-like.

My leadership role expanded when I made some positive, though sometimes uncomfortable, changes in our family culture. It was hard for me to initiate the changes, and it was tough to live them out. It meant doing things that did not come naturally. To better serve Christ as a family, each of us had to decide to step out of our comfort zone every day.

—Charlotte D

As we face the world as a single parent we must all remember, God knew you were going to become a single parent before it happened.  HE (God) does not make any mistakes.  Your child (ren) is/are blessings from God. Always pray with your child (ren) whether they understand or not.  Planting the heavenly seed is cultivating the soul. There will be trials and tribulations but, there will always be a blessing if you just believe.

—Joy T

Being a single parent has many challenges, but never stop trying and always remember GOD will never leave you nor will He forsake you!  And know that your Blessings Await You, just keep the FAITH!!!

—Rhonda W

Always keep God first. Trust and believe he will see you through anything you are going through. Keep your head up and stay positive. There are people in this world, that are in your corner & they will encourage you to keep pushing! Never ever, ever give up! Follow your heart, set goals & always remember to love yourself! Go ahead you got this!

—Karen H

You are never alone

1 Peter 5:7

It really does take a village and your village can be other “single parents”.  However when you need a minute Take a minute ~ peace/quiet is a powerful thing whenever that time is.

—Carole M

Don’t stop regardless how it looks or feel. Just don’t stop.

—Vida B

Always put God first and stay prayed up. Do the best you can and pay attention to your child/children. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You are not alone, pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You can be all you want to be.

—Yvonne D

Put God first in anything. Always be a positive example to your children.

—Tronika T

“Thank you!” Every sacrifice and every challenge you’ve faced and overcome is greatly appreciated! You are strong and courageous and the Lord himself is with you every day! Keep smiling and know you’re a great parent!

—Zakia G

True Singleness: To remind oneself always, that the only thing “single” in our lives is our singleness of mind, to stay focused on the purpose and plan He has called us to as we are daily being transformed into His image. Being one as He and the Father are one the true Singleness that all should be striving for. It is how we see ourselves that will determine what we manifest in this life. We are never alone and we will never be single but we are one in our Father.

—Wendy M

Don’t forget to slow down enough to give and receive hugs with your kids - every day! Hugs are healing and help remind us of the love we have for our children and parents when sometimes we are more focused on survival. 


And Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, All things are possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23 This scripture in its context is regarding the healing of a man’s son who was possessed by the devil. We as single parents are often harassed by the enemy in specific and specialized ways, sometimes even through our children. We are harassed by bills, harassed by loneliness and longings of our hearts and bodies. Harassed by others who expect us to be married by now. Harassed by illness, stress and strife. But he won’t win! GOD is Our Victory and Our Banner! ALL THINGS are possible to those who believe! Even though we struggle, the victory in this battle was decided LONG ago, long before we were even born! Continue in the struggle for in the end, we WILL win! It’s worth it all.

—Ravi T

Being a parent is a wonderful blessing. Never allow yourself to think or believe that it is not. Never allow your child to think or believe otherwise. For me, it was not a job, but a privilege, an honor, a most adored gift. As everyday is different so is every child. Do not expect to get it right every time or make perfect decisions. Remember, when you have given your best you can work toward the rest.

—Darlene D

God is your source and as we enter 2021 pray Psalms 91 over your life and your family. Ask God to give you patience and wisdom when dealing with your children. Build up your immune system during this season. Be at peace and know that the blessings of the Lord are upon your life.

—Adrienne J

Follow your dreams and remember that being a single parent doesn’t limit you it pushes you to be all you can be for your children.

—Audrey W

While I may not be a birth Mother/parent, I can say that I’ve place value and blessings of God’s love towards my niece and nephews to include all young people’s life. No matter what I may be going through- I continue to have faith in God and know he has my life in his hands. He already told me he would be there for me from the very first day of my life and yours. So I say this, so you know too that He has made the ultimate sacrifice for us all.

—Joyce S

You are the best mother or father your child will ever have.  God entrusted you with this child and has provided the wherewithal to raise them well.  Part of this knowledge is reaching out for partners to come along side them to enhance the child’s growth.  You are more than enough!!

—Jackie J

Enjoy your children daily.  Listen to your child daily i.e., play a game, color, walk, with your children.  It fosters the communication so necessary as they go to school and become adolescents and teenagers.  Take care of yourself.  Get more rest, take a walk etc.  Sometimes I needed a 5-15 time out when I came home after a busy day. It’s okay to ask for help.  Friends, family, Church etc.  It takes a village, or community to raise a child.

—Sandra G

Don’t isolate your children from their family. I moved from my home town to create a better opportunity for myself and my children. I took them back home weekends to keep their connection. It’s was hard but I did it.

—Roz S

This thought derives from a devotional called “Dreams Redeemed.” “What do we do when our dreams seem out of reach or even shattered? Shattered sometimes look like: Those long days of walking through the pains of abuse and trauma, the heartbreak of a divorce, or the lingering nights that close another day without experiencing the love one imagined. These deep wounds often cause dreams to be deferred, dried-up and disposed. Whether you are experiencing the devastation of tragedy, loss, or the frustration of a long season of waiting, the God-dream for your life is still alive! Life’s disappointments do not wipe away God-given dreams. God-given dreams are the essences of those desires which He placed within your heart as your beacon of hope. Therefore, hold tightly to those dreams, especially during the midnight hour(s). Most importantly, understand the essence of the dream, not the elements of the imagination. The God-given dream may not arrive in your timeframe, be wrapped in your attire, and it may not resolve all of your issues. Isaiah 55:8-9 reminds us that our thoughts are not His thoughts and neither our ways His ways. What God has for us, aligns less with our wants and more with His desires for us and His knowledge of our needs. But in God’s time, when we walk within His Will, the blessings of peace and assurance are undeniably identifiable and satisfying to the thirsty soul and spirit. As I close, remember this verse from Isaiah 42:16, “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Be strong in the Lord and know that what He has for you is not destroyed. It lies in wait for God’s timetable, not ours.

—Glenn P

(Living the God-Dream) As single parents, it’s easy to fall into the mindset of a statistic or victim.  There are varying feelings and emotions that come up at different times in our lives, especially on important dates or holidays.  Whatever circumstances led you to become a single parent, do not let that define you or how you parent.  Use that situation to propel you to foster healthy relationships with God, yourself, your children and with others in your village.  These relationships are important for you to be healthy and show up as your best self.  Here are a few tips I hope you can use: 1. Nurture your relationships with God and yourself 2. Forgive often; it clears your mental space for goodness to find you. 3. Develop a village for yourself.  They are there to support you, not just to babysit when you need a day off, but to speak life into you when you need it most. 4. Encourage and be there for others.

—Veronica B

To my beloved single parents, the most important thing you need to know and hear is that you are greatly loved. It is so easy to not feel loved when life has thrown you a few unexpected turns. Through every turn, bend in the road, dead end or mountainous journey God’s love will always be with you; whether you have been aware of His presence or not.  Know this for sure……..

  • God will always be your present help in every time of need.  Ps. 46:1

  • He will never leave or forsake you no matter what……  Deut. 31:6

  • God’s love covers a multitude of faults, God never has been concerned nor will He ever be concerned with what you did or did not do right. So, “put on” God’s love which binds in perfect unity.   1 Peter 4:8, Col. 3:14

  • Now knowing this, just work to do everything in love. 1 Cor. 16:14

  • For God’s love is enduring, binding, everlasting and perfected in you.  The greatest of all is love. Ps. 136:21, 1 john 4:12 and 1 Cor. 13:13

Knowing this you have everything you need to be happy, healthy and successful, so today I encourage you to go forth in peace, joy and love for God’s love casts out all fear.  1 John 4:18 God’s love will be your “satisfying portion” for life!!!

—Dr. Q

No matter how difficult life may seem and although there are wars on all sides, be assured God is still with you. If Jesus went through being nailed to a cross for a crime he didn’t commit and the Father came and got His Son out of that grave condition, then He will do the same for you. I can testify to that myself.

—Barbara S

When God brings you to it, He will surely bring you through it; Keep pushing and watch God move! Stay focused on God, even through the storm, focus on the one who ceases the storm, the winds may shake the boat, but with the strength that God instills in us, it won’t sink. Sometimes we may feel like we are carrying a load as single parents, but think of how God carries us each & every day. God blessed us with enough strength to carry it, but He wants us to remember to call on Him. We may be single parents but we are not doing it alone, God is with us every step, every trial, every situation, every smile, every breakdown, every second. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows our beginning and our ending. God does not start anything and not finish. Its okay family, we are just under construction as God is still working on the masterpiece!

—Chenitta F

Create routines for your children. They love structure! Also, consistency and praise are very important. Positive reinforcement can make a difference on so many levels. Lastly, make time for yourself to relax, refresh and regroup and don’t feel guilty about it! Your children need you at your best!

—Marilyn K

My name is Earlene; I am a sixty year old woman, married for thirty-six years with two beautiful daughters.  I have never been a single parent but I have ministered to many. I first would like to say, you are a blessed strong woman or man to be a single parent, because being a mom and dad is a complex job, but our God has found favor in you to do it, and with him, you can do all things. I would like to encourage you to seek His face for whatever you face in this journey of life, He will never leave nor forsake you, and He will always be there. Finally, I would encourage you to be good to yourself because when you are healthy, your children will be healthy. BE BLESSED AND ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER LOVES YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES.

—Earlene P

God, it’s clear that You are turning me into a Godly woman, but how do I become a Godly mom?  He answered me saying; “Surrender them to Me.  You are just an overseer.  They belong to Me.”  And that’s exactly what I did!  I surrendered them all over to Him!  Although, I had found myself re-surrendering them back over to Him, time and time again, I have found our Father God, in all of His infinite wisdom, to be all that my children (now adults) could have ever needed.  Consistently and continuously.  I clung to and stood on Psalms 68:5 “Father to the fatherless and a judge and protector of widows, is God in His Holy habitation” Stay Encouraged!

—Diana B

Remember you can do all things with Christ; Remember all your needs will be met; Remember nothing is impossible or too hard with Christ; Remember you are never alone.  

—Merley L

Let the child know that God will make up for the other parent not being there. My son missed the male figure in his life and he blamed himself even at an early age. I would remind myself and him that ...”when your mother and father have forsaken you God will be with you always...” Trust God to give you grace to give your child what he/she needs. You can’t always be the hero or she-ro; sometimes whether you want to or not you end up being the bad guy or girl. Be careful not to give them too much freedom or buy them every single thing they want. Don’t let the other parent’s absence cause you to withhold discipline. (Joyce Meyer) Do things together instead of just sitting them in front of the TV or computer. For me sometimes the TV was the only babysitter I had. If you feel like you don’t have a lot of time to spend with them because of things you have to do around the house or work, include them in your day to day tasks and make a game out of it. When kids are young you can make a game out of anything, just be creative act goofy they will love it. I taught my son, to play soccer, to swim, ride a bike, skate on a skateboard, fly remote control planes, build legos and the list goes on... mind you, I hate being in water more than 6 feet deep, I have two left feet, I crashed the remote control planes, and in soccer I still don’t know what off sides mean. My son and I have a great relationship most of the time and what I love most we would quote Bible scriptures to get us through the hard times and we still do today and he’s 19 years old and in college studying Computer Science. Find a support group of people, either from your church or a couple of friends, who can act as a sounding board for you when you need encouragement or help. While I was in the Marine Corps we were all family and we helped each other out, truly a blessing.  And most of all, remember: You don’t have to be both parents—God will make up for what’s missing! (Joyce Meyer).

—Shaunta R

Single Parents, the one Good book that can guide you in childrearing is the Bible-God’s Word! If you are not much of a reader, these are two scriptures that can help you: Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it., and Ephesians 6:4 Fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the Discipline and Admonition of the Lord. Just do it God’s way and you can’t go wrong.

—Felicia H

The very first thing I would say to all single adults, with or without children, young or old is this: Make it right with God first! I have learned to trust God’s perspective.  We only see immediate future, but God sees everything because his timing is perfect. Romans 8:28 For all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. Just knowing God had His own plan already for me was so comforting! He is always there, He is always listening, He is already making my decisions, He is always taking my loneliness, He is my best friend, my best buddy, my best decision maker and He is always with me. None of us are ever alone!  Seasons come and go in our lives, just like spring, summer, and winter.  Some seasons we like better than others, but none of them last forever. Just stay in His Word, memorize it and trust Him in all circumstances.

—Mary I

I would like to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus the author and director of your journey. So often we want to look back or plan forward, but there is so much peace in the now. We can not change yesterday, and we are not promised tomorrow so rest in today.  As a single parent, we tend to want control of what is taking place around us. I challenge you, make it your determined purpose to trust God completely. Over the years I learned as I trusted God in the little things, I was preparing to trust Him in the bigger things.  Our Heavenly Father is concerned for every aspect of your life. He loves you with an everlasting love.  Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.   Proverbs 3:5&6.

—Barbara M

Take some time for self care and don’t feel guilty about it! You are taking care of kids but don’t forget to take care of you.

—Tanya M

You are stronger than you think. You have gotten through every bad day in your life and you are undefeated. It’s okay not to be okay, it’s not okay to give up.

—Kaneisha M

Do you have the Essential Ingredients?

Within the last couple of years I started on a healthcare journey where I wanted to lose weight and get fit. In this journey, I started meal prepping. This concept was new for me and required a lot of pre-planning and preparation. I quickly learned that you couldn’t just jump up and see what was in the fridge or the pantry and whip something up that was a healthy choice. See healthy choices or clean eating are normally perishable items. They are the things that you can grow and/or kill. For example, vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, grains, beans, etc. They have a certain shelf life…otherwise known as an expiration date. In my meal prepping journey I quickly learned that there are some ingredients that you can substitute for but there are some ingredients that are essential or the dish you are trying to make is just not going to come out as desired. Therefore, I learned that there are certain ingredients that are essential to always have on hand. One ingredient I believe we can agree on that should always be in your inventory are eggs. I recall getting ready to bake a cake for friend and realized that I was out of eggs. There was no way that I was going to be able to make this cake and have it look and taste the way I wanted it to without the eggs. The eggs was an essential ingredient for the cake. I had a choice to make. Either not make the cake or go to the store and get the eggs. I know you may be wondering what does cooking have to do with building a healthy relationship. Well, let me make the connection.

Often times, people get caught up in the likes of a person that they often jump into a relationship and speed towards the alter without inventorying if they have all the essential ingredients needed for a healthy marriage. They often find themselves in long term relationships and even marriages missing trust, respect, loyalty, and/or love. I know some of you may be thinking that it didn’t start off that way. My question is are you sure? Did you inventory your ingredients before you got too deep? Before you put the cake batter in the bowl and oiled and floured the pans did you check to see if you had eggs? In other words before you slept with your mate did you inventory the relationship to determine if you could trust that person? Before you answer…let me ask…Do you know their credit score? I know I went for the juggler on that one but it’s for a reason. Your credit score is personal. But so is sharing your body. We are more comfortable giving access to our body’s than gaining access to trust. To share something very personal, like our credit score requires a deep level and trust and commitment, We don’t just share that with anyone. We want to make sure that person is committed to the relationship…by the way another essential ingredient. We have to get comfortable being uncomfortable asking the questions and setting the environment to get to know our potential mates. Remember, not all ingredients can be substituted…some are essential!

This may take time so don’t get discouraged. It’s okay to be single. I want to share a vision I had. In the vision there was a beautiful women sitting alone at a dinner table in an elegant restaurant. I could hear people whispering how sad and tragic it was for a lady so pretty to be alone. I could also hear a voice ask me what did I see. My answer was, I see a lady at peace. See, being alone doesn’t mean that you are depressed or lonely. You can be alone and at peace. Having a peace of mind is far better than having a piece of a person. I encourage you to wait until you have all your ingredients before jumping into a marriage and enjoy your peace in the process.

> I pray these words give you some encouragement. Please know that you can always call on our Heavenly Father if you lack any ingredients for yourself.

- Sylvia C.

“I’m inspired when I walk down the street and still see people trying. A lot of them look as if they’re on their last leg, but they’re still getting up somehow.” Faith Ringgold

It is important to find your close circle of trusted people and be able to vocalize your feelings to them when you are down or not feeling like yourself. We will become discouraged. At times we may lose hope. Our spiritual batteries need recharging and will be recharged by encouraging ourselves as in 1 Samuel 30:16. Some versions say David encouraged himself, other versions say David strengthened himself, all versions end with. “…in Yahweh his God” or “in the Lord his God”.

Sharon B.